ArcGIS Desktop or ArcGIS Pro will not work natively on an Apple Macintosh computer. To use it on a Mac, you must be running Windows. To do this you can either create a dual boot setup using Bootcamp ($0), or set up a virtual machine using Parallels ($40). I'm currently running Windows 8.1 on my Macbook Pro (2014, 16GB ram, 250GB SSD) using Parallels. When I access the DVD from my USB optical drive, I can open up the ESRI.exe and the Quick Start Guide opens up as expected.
Macbook Pro With Parallels
Hi Guys
I know this is a really controversial topic in the GIS industry but I would just like an opinion on some things...
Firstly, some back ground... I'm a uni student starting postgrad (have done undergrad GIS papers) study in GIS. At home I have a windows desktop, which can do anything GIS related which I throw at it, and at Uni I'll have access to grunty workstations/server environments. I also have a (useless) netbook which is only good for typing in word and browsing reddit.
Over the Xmas break I stayed with my parents for a few weeks. Didn't have my desktop with me, only my tablet and netbook. My mother has a 13' retina MBP. I've always been a windows fanboy and still am, but after using the MBP I loved it. Much better built than any window laptop i've used, and Yosemite (or w/e version it was) was super smooth and well designed. I now have a wee crush on it.
I'm slowly getting sick of how useless my netbook is, and ism looking to replace it. I would be looking at replacing it with an 11'macbook air. You can spec them up a dual core i7, 8gb ram and 256gb ssd (this is what id probably be looking at, maybe a 128gb ssd. Depends how rich I'm feeling).
My question is would the above specs (running in a. parallel and b. dual boot) be suitable to do minor GIS work? I know an 11' screen would be pretty small to run Arc on but I wouldn't be doing anything to strenuous.
Can I Run Arcgis Pro With Parallels Lite For Mac
tl;dr Macbook air, dual core i7, 8gb ram, ssd. would arc be fine?