Parallels For Mac Change Memory Allocation

Parallels For Mac Change Memory Allocation

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Parallels For Mac Change Memory Allocation
  1. Aug 09, 2013  I have a 2011 Mac Mini and I'm about to purchase a MacBookPro and wanted to be able to run some of my work related Windows based software on the Mac's using Parallels Desktop 8 for Mac.
  2. 2) To change memory allocation after you’ve created a VM, stop the VM, go to VirtualMachine, then Settings (or the handy Settings icon in the GUI). You’ll find the memory adjustment in the System Hardware section.

In case of power surges/failures with the Mac, Mac's unpredictable restarts or third-party applications interventions, during the operations with the virtual hard drive may result in its corruption result in in the inability to use the virtual machine.

Active9 years, 8 months ago

I've got a last-generation black MacBook with a 2.4 GHz Core Duo processor and 2GB RAM. Parallels 4 is running all right, but holds the rest of the machine hostage in terms of performance, even though there's still available memory and processing power. What can I do to get more balanced performance for when I need to switch between Windows and OS X?


1 Answer

Just FYI -- In every case I have seen, you will see a performance gain in switching to Parallels 5....

But to answer your question, what applications are you running? That is a fairly important issue here...

But, with the 2Gb of RAM, you will want to probably allocation between 512 and 768 Mb of Ram. Defintely no more than 768. Please start at 512 Mb, and slowly work your way up to a max of 768.

Why? You are basically reserving up to 1 Gb for the Mac OS... Within the 1 Gb 'free', Parallels will consume some memory, leaving up to 768 MB of Ram for the Virtual Machine.

Change Memory Allocation Windows 7

Parallels For Mac Change Memory Allocation

Please consider at least upgrading to 3 or 4 gb of ram. I have seen nice improvements in virtual machine behavior when more memory is available.

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Benjamin SchollnickBenjamin Schollnick

How To Change Memory

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