Parallels Memory Settings For Solidworks On Mac

Contrary to the note on the EAA Solidworks page, Solidworks installed and runs fine on my Mac laptop. I think whats new is that there is a register fix available for the Windows virtual machines that lets Solidworks access the capabilities of the Mac's graphics card.
- I loaded the latest version of Parallels (Parallels Desktop 13 for Mac)--That has a free trial of several weeks if you want to test it out before spending $80.
- I loaded the latest version of Windows 10 (which also has a trial period I gather, since its running and I didn't input the key, but it does have a flag reminding me to do so)
- Download and installed Solidworks from Solidworks per the EAA instructions.
- On the Parallels site they offer a free patch to install on Windows that fixes the registries so Solidworks can access the Mac's graphics card. Download it and install it in your Windows operating system (with Solidworks not running). I installed this patch before I installed Solidworks, but I don't think that sequence matters.
Get the patch from Parallels here: The 2017 patch was the correct version for the Solidworks 2017-2018 Student Edition available through EAA.
On the Apple forum, someone said they are also running Solidworks from Bootcamp just fine. I suspect any of the Virtual Machine apps could be acceptable so long as they can run Windows properly. But give a cheer to Parallels for providing the patch)
I'm a Solidworks beginner, so I didn't create anything useful yet. But I did download a few fairly intricate models and was able to render, manipulate and edit them with no noticeable lag or other limitations. However starting the applications (Parallels, then Solidworks) and loading a file does seem to take its time.
I have a Macbook Pro, 2011 vintage, 2Ghz Intel Core i7 processor with 8G of memory, running the latest version of OS10 (10.13.2) and an Apple 27' display plugged into it. So its a pretty old, off-the-shelf machine. I suspect newer Macs, especially with more RAM might be even better. Still what I have did not seem to any negative operating issues other than the slow initial loading. For me this was a much cheaper and better integrated approach to learning Solidworks than buying a Windows machine with roughly equivalent horsepower.
  1. Download Solidworks For Mac
  2. Memory Settings For Libreoffice

Download Solidworks For Mac


Memory Settings For Libreoffice

On the Parallels site they offer a free patch to install on Windows that fixes the registries so Solidworks can access the Mac's graphics card. Download it and install it in your Windows operating system (with Solidworks not running). SolidWorks® is a widely used 3D design software that runs very well using Parallels Desktop for Mac. Performance Tips: Want to know how to fine-tune your virtual machine for performance-intensive tasks such as running CAD programs? Optimizing Parallels Desktop for Mac for the best performance of a guest OS may seem to be largely a matter of customizing the performance of the guest OS itself, such as turning off visual effects in various Windows OSes.